In business since 1987, Tecstone Granite is a national wholesale supplier of fine granite to America’s top retail memorialists. We are a one-stop solution, able to provide everything from small inlay ceramics and grass markers to towering veteran memorials and mausoleums. We Help You Sell Granite!
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Tecstone Core Values
Flexibility ⚬ Agility ⚬ Modesty ⚬ Integrity ⚬ Love ⚬ Excellence ⚬ Execution
Per Pound Shipping
Tecstone offers affordable and convenient per pound pricing. Know your exact freight cost on every order.
Tecstone can provide a wide range of columbaria products – from single niche, to several hundred niche’ cemetery features.
VIDEOS: See What We Can Offer
Over-views of Tecstone's Abilities and Processes...
Introducing ourselves to you
Explanation and Tips for Carvers
Capabilities and Ideas
How We Protect Your Product

GUARANTEES – Tecstone Granite guarantees ALL our products and even our production services in writing!
STOCKED WAREHOUSE – Utilize our giant warehouse, stocked with 15,000+ monuments every day, for fast turnarounds!
ONLINE ACCOUNT MANAGER – Check out Tecstone’s vast inventory, order online, check past invoices & bills of lading, etc.
LASER ETCHING – Tecstone Granite offers full laser etching capabilities up to 6′ x 10′ surfaces as well as hand etching services.
FAST TRACK – Our unique Fast Track program expedites overseas orders in as few as 45 days!
ONLINE DESIGNER – Design in real time and show families their memorials in color during selling process.